台湾宾果开奖预测app下载-台湾宾果5分钟在线开奖网站 The Leading E-commerce Platform in Africa

Empower Connect

100% Africa, 100% Internet

About Jumia

A Digital Africa

We are the leading pan-African e-commerce platform active across 11 countries in the continent. Our platform consists of a marketplace connecting thousands of sellers to millions of consumers, with integrated logistics and digital payment services.

More about business

Empower, connect, build

At the heart of our success is a group of entrepreneurs who are passionate about Africa and its digital transformation.


Our Commitment

Community Support

Ministry of Handicrafts partners with Jumia to boost online sales
September 14, 2020

COVID-19: UNDP, JUMIA Uganda partner to link market vendors with consumers online
May 11, 2020

Jumia donates 100,000 masks to aid fight against Covid-19
May 9, 2020

Our Impact

Donate with JumiaPay

Social responsibility

You can use the JumiaPay app to support the most vulnerable children, families, and communities across Africa in a simple and secure way. We have selected a list of nonprofit organizations in our eleven markets that are making a positive impact on the continent. 台湾宾果5分钟开奖预测 下载台湾宾果5分钟开奖结果app

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